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Page:Advanced Automation for Space Missions.djvu/79

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CSCC TO SPACECRAFT IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 3: When in orbit, correlate contour map, spectral data, and geological analysis over this area to test for possible volcanic activity. July 10, 2010 REPORT: CSCC 1:30 pm GMT - Disk size at 300 mm focal length indicates range 20100 km from satellite. Agrees ?100 km with microwave ranging system. 1:35 pm GMT - Terminator observed through 560 nm, 630 nm, and 1080 nm spectral bands. Relative average reflectance 0.2, 1.5, 0.1, respectively, indicating dense atmosphere refraction properties. QUERY: CSCC ? Since dense atmosphere hypothesis was reinforced, why sharp terminator? CSCC TO SPACECRAFT IMAGER: Task 4: Cancel Task 1. Task 5: Measure geological activity in this area during orbit. July 20,2010 REPORT: CSCC 7:55 am GMT ? Orbit insert completed at 6:00 am. Beginning Titan resource survey for Planet Model. Visible, IR, and microwave scanners operating. Data being processed and stored. Contour map being generated. Gravity anomaly experiment initialized. 8:00 am GMT - OBSERVATION - SPACECRAFT IMAGER 1. White haze in image slightly obscuring surface. Cloudlike rather than bright surface. CSCC TO SPACECRAFT IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 6: Check Planet Model stereo imagery to verify haze above surface. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. Verifies, white haze is above surface. Task 7: Check stored spectral data to estimate spectral characteristics of haze. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. Spectrum of samples areas matches methane. OBSERVATION - SPACECRAFT IMAGER 1. Presently over black blotches noted on Titan approach. CSCC TO SPACECRAFT CENTRAL IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 8: Initiate Task 3 - Examine topography data over black areas. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. Contour map shows 3 circular black areas to be conic depressions 10 km, 5 km, and 6 km, respectively, in depth. 2. Spectral data indicates third IR band reflectance to be 1.6 times surrounding average in these areas. 3. Thermal IR indicates 100? ? at centers of cones decreasing to 50? ? at edges. HYPOTHESIS: CSCC ? Assume black areas to be craters. CSCC TO SPACECRAFT CENTRAL IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 9: a. Analyze area surrounding black regions for height. b. Examine geological data for lineaments in surrounding area. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. In annuli(?, <r< l.l Rl;R2<R<\.2R2\ and R? < r < 1.15 R3) surrounding each black area {??, B2, and B3); depth decreases from inside edge to outside edge by 1 km, 0.5 km, and 2 km, respectively. 2. Radial lineaments exist inside annuli. None outside. COMMENT: CSCC - Crater hypothesis reinforced, since very warm in center, assume to be volcanic in origin. CSCC TO SPACECRAFT IMAGER AND CENTRAL IMAGE PROCESSOR: Task 10: Initiate Task 5 ? Analyze geological activity at terminator. Response: Spacecraft Imager. 1. Texture in grey levels along terminator indicate mountain size shadowing. Response: Spacecraft Central Image Processor. 1. Contour map indicates mountain range generally parallel to terminator from 70? south latitude. REPORT: CSCC - Present knowledge indicates mountains can cause sharp cutoff of light. Unless contradictory evidence, assume mountain range at terminator causes observed sharp cutoff of light at terminator.

July 31,2010