Page:Adventures of Cap. Gulliver.pdf/19

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the lanes aud allies are from twelve to eighteen inches. The Emperor’s palace, which is in the centre, is inclosed by a wall two feet high; the outward court is a vast square of forty feet; and here stand the Royal Apartments. These Mr. Gulliver, by lying down upon his side and applying his face to the windows, had the pleasure of viewing, and he found them more splendid than could be imagined. He saw the Empress and the young Princess in their several lodgings, and her Majesty was pleased to put her hand out at the window for him to kiss.

About a fortnight after Mr. Gulliver obtained his liberty, he was visited by Reldresal; the principal secretary. Reldresal complimented him upon his liberty, and entered into a political conversation with great confidence He informed Mr. Gulliver that the Lilliputians were threatened with an invasion from the island of Blefusca with whom they had waged war for six and thirty moons.

Mr. Gulliver then desired the Secretary to inform the Emperor that he was ready with the hazard of his life, to defend his person & state against all invaders.