Page:Adventures of Cap. Gulliver.pdf/22

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but reducing Blefuscu to a province—Mr. Gulliver however boldly protested, that he would never be an instrument of bringing a brave and free people into slavery.

This open declaration, however, was at first productive of dislike in the Emperor, & afterwards of hatred From this time an intrigue between his Majesty and his ministers, that had like to have ended in poor Gullivers destruction.

Soon after the seizure of the Blefuscuan fleet ambassadors were sent from that nation with humbl offers of peace-After the treay was ratified, their Excellencies paid a visit to Mr Gulliver; they complimented him upon his valor and generosity, and in the name of their Emperor invited him to pay a visit to their kingdom, Accordingly, the next time he saw the Emperor, he desired leave to wait on the Blefuscuan monarch, which he granted indeed, but in a very cold manner; for the Flimnap and Bolgolam had represented his intercourse with the ambassadors as a mark of disaffection.

It was not long however, before he had an opportunity of doing, as he thought,