Page:Adventures of Cap. Gulliver.pdf/8

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tion and signified that he must be carried as a prisoner; he therefore gave tokens that they might do what they would with him; whereupon the Hurgo and his train withdrew with cheerful countenances. Soon after the people shouted out, Peplom Selau, and he felt the cords so relaxed, that he was able to turn upon his right side. they then rubbed his hands and face with an ointment which took off the smart of their arrows; and this circumstance, added to the plentiful meal he had made caused him to fall asleep. The natives of Lilliput are excellent mathematicians and mechanics: and the King immediately set five hundred carpenters to work to prepare an engine by which he might be conveyed to the capital. It was a wooden frame three inches high, seven feet long, and four broad, and moved upon twenty two wheels.

It was brought to Mr Gulliver's side as he lay To raise so immense a creature upon this vehicle, eighty poles, each of a foot high were erected, and very strong ropes of the bigness of packthread were fastened by hooks to many bandages, which the work-