Page:Adventures of John o'Badenyon, in pursuit of happiness.pdf/5

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I bought and borrow'd every-where
and studied night and day,
Nor miss'd what Dean or Doctor wrote,
that happen’d in my way.

Philosophy I now esteem'd
the ornament of youth,
And carefully thro’ many a page
I hunted after truth:
A thousand various schemes I try’d,
and yet was pleas’d with none:
I threw them by, and tun’d my pipe
to John o’ Badenyon.

And now you youngsters, ev'ry one,
that wish to make a show.
Take heed in time, nor fondly hope
for happiness below:
What you may fancy pleasure here,
is but an empty name:
And girls, and friends, and books also,
you’ll find them all the same.

Then be advis'd, and warning take
from such a man as me,
I’m neither Pope, nor Cardinal,

nor one of high degree: