Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/165

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scale to honesty or the reverse. Therefore you should watch your young son very carefully in all his doings. Though you get an European tutor for him, don't leave him entirely in his hands, and also take care that he is not taught Christianity. See that he receives instruction in our own religion from pandits. Allow him at regular times to have conversation with some selected pandits, relatives and gentlemen. Then he will be in touch with his people, and he will never become a stranger to them. Now-a-days the Minors at Newington are entirely cut off from their own people, so that when they leave the institution, some strangers get hold of them and lead them into such habits as are not only unsuitable for a Hindu but ruinous also.

After a boy passes his eighteenth year get him married. Of course, Europeans strongly object to marriage at so young an