Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/51

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must therefore be witty and full of fun. If there is any untruth in it, it simply adds to the pleasure and happiness, and it does not deceive either of the two persons.

3. If there happens an untoward event that would stop the wedding just at the last moment, there is no sin then in an untruth that prevents the postponement of the wedding. Otherwise it would be most expensive to both the bridal parties, and a great inconvenience to the guests.

4. There is no sin in speaking an untruth when there is risk of destruction to one's entire property. Otherwise an innocent man would be a great loser and the wicked would be benefited just as in the case of the travelling party and the robbers in the above example.

5. If, by some accidental or inevitable event, a guiltless Brahmin would lose