may be beneficial to professional men, but it ruins many others. Several Maharajahs and rich people have ruined themselves by going in for racing. One may go and see the fun or he may even lose a few rupees in betting; but it is not at all advisable to take to it.
There is a great deal of exercise, though of a solitary kind, in riding. There the game is between the man and the horse, for the horse is a sort of companion. All the Gymkhana sports on horse-back are excellent exercise both for body and to mind.
All games of skill requiring activity, such as polo and cricket, teach us fairness. As no one is allowed to dispute with the umpire, he must subordinate his opinion to that of the umpire. Again the chief merit. of the games is that they teach us to keep our temper. Western people say cricket is the best of games for discipline