Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/103

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but, in adopting it, she should carefully avoid its extremes. If it trenches upon modesty, or endangers her health, let her so far not follow it. These extremes she can easily avoid, and yet not appear singular.

Chapter X.


The highest degree of happiness and usefulness attainable in this world is not to be had by any one who does not possess a sound mind in a sound body. Attention to health, therefore, is one of the first duties we owe to ourselves and society, because without a healthy body we cannot have a sound mind, nor efficiently perform our duties in life. This is so plain a proposition that all can at once comprehend it.

Young ladies are proverbial for being careless in regard to health; and this, strangely enough, is particularly the case with those who have the most delicate constitutions. The hundreds who die annually of pulmonary affections, owe, in two cases out of every three, their early death to