Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/184

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lieve, to make any young lady see the importance of being governed by right ends in a matter involving so deeply as this does her best and dearest interests.

As to the giving of any particular rules by which a young lady is to square her conduct in matters of the heart, we neither feel inclined to the task nor competent to perform it. Our leading object is, to give such general principles as will enable each one for herself to decide upon a right course of action in a matter that is fraught with consequences of such vital importance. If a young lady have correct views on the subject of marriage, she will not be in much danger of committing any serious error. We would, however, say, that in all cases the mother ought to be fully advised of the state of her daughter’s affections. This is due to her relation, her experience, and her deep and unselfish love for her child. Many a young girl, who has fully confided every thing to her mother, has been saved from blindly loving one who had been able to mislead her as to his true character, but could not deceive the mother.

When an offer of marriage is made, whether it come unexpectedly or not, it should neither be accepted nor rejected by a young lady without time for reflection, and a reference of the matter