Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/215

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The Amaranth:
Or, Token of Remembrance.

This work is issued annually, with entirely new matter, and is elegantly bound in morocco, richly gilt sides and edges, and is embellished with six beautiful steel engravings, by the first artists.—1 vol. 12mo.

Cowper’s Poems.

The complete Poetical Works of William Cowper, together with his posthumous Poetry, and a Sketch of his Life, by Doctor Johnson.—Fine Portrait.

This is acknowledged to be the most complete edition of Cowper published in this country; and is bound in 1 vol. 12mo, muslin, plain edges; do. gilt and elegant Saxony, gilt sides and edges.

Advice to Young Ladies.

Advice to Young Ladies, on their Duties and Conduct in Life: by T. S. Arthur, author of “Advice to Young Men,” “The Maiden," “Wife,” and “Mother,” &c. &c.

In his introduction, the author says: “Right modes of thinking are the basis of all correct action. This is just as true of one sex as the other. Although man has the power of abstract thought, and the faculty of reasoning, in a higher degree than woman, yet woman is none the less a rational being, and must, in all the various relations in life, come under the guidance of right reason.” 1 vol. large 18mo., bound in gilt and plain bindings.