Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/44

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to comprehend this vital truth, there would be far less of doubt hanging over her future. Fewer disappointments, and more of life’s blessings, would be in store for her. If, instead of seeking for pleasure, as the chief object in view, she would seek to be useful in her sphere of life, she would lay in her mind the basis of a true character, that active virtue would build up into a beautiful, harmonious, and ever-to-be-loved and admired superstructure of moral excellence and beauty. Wherever her path through the world might lead her, blessings would attend her way; and, in blessing others, she would herself be doubly blessed.

Chapter IV.

Habits of Order and Neatness.

The habits of early life are those that remain with us longest. In fact, it is almost impossible, afterwards, fully to correct them, if bad. Habits of order are among the most important that can be formed; for, without them, every effort made through life to accomplish any thing will be hindered by defects. In seeking to form these