Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/64

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learn the art of cooking, in order that she may be able to prepare the food of her parent, her brother, her sister, or, at some future time, the food of her husband, when sick. This may seem a little matter. But no one who has been sick will think it so.

This subject is one that admits of a great deal more being said on it than we have brought forward. Enough to cause every thinking young woman to reflect seriously on its importance, has, however, been introduced. It must not be inferred that we would shut every woman up, a prisoner in her house, and cause her to devote every hour of her time to domestic duties. All we contend for is, that a woman should govern in her household, as fully as a man governs in his store, office, counting-room, manufactory, or workshop, and that, in order to do this, she should qualify herself beforehand for her particular duties, as he has to qualify himself for his.