Fluid Resistance and its Associated Phenomena.
- § 1. Introductory.
- 2. Two Methods.
- 3. The Newtonian Method.
- 4. Application of the Newtonian Method in the Case of the Normal Plane.
- 5. Deficiency of the Newtonian Method. (The Principle of No Momentum.)
- 6. Illustrations of the Principle of No Momentum.
- 7. Transmission of Force. Comparison of Fluid and Solid.
- 8. When the Newtonian Method is Applicable.
- 9. On Stream-line Form.
- 10. Froude's Demonstration.
- 11. The Transference of Energy by a Body.
- 12. Need for Hydrostatic Pressure. Cayitation.
- 13. The Motion of the Fluid.
- 14. A Question of Relative Motion.
- 15. Displacement of the Fluid.
- 16. Orbital Motion of the Fluid Particles.
- 17. Orbital Motion and Displacement. Experimental Demonstration.
- 18. Orbital Motion. Eankine's Investigation.
- 19. Bodies of Imperfect Stream-line Form.
- 20. The Doctrine of Kinetic Discontinuity.
- 21. Experimental Demonstration of Kinetic Discontinuity.
- 22. Wake and Counterwake Currents.
- 23. Stream-line Motion in the Light of the Theory of Discontinuity.
- 24. Stream-line Foiin in Practice.
- 25. Stream-line Fonn. Theory and Practice Compared.
- 26. Mutilation of the Stream-line Form.
- 27. Mutilation of the Stream-line Form—continued.
- 28. Stream-line Flow General.
- 29. Displacement due to Fluid in Motion.
- 30. Examples Illustrating Effects of Discontinuous Motion.
Viscosity and Skin Friction.
- § 31. Viscosity. Definition.
- 32. Viscosity in Relation to Shear.
- 33. Skin Friction.
- 34. Skin Friction. Basis of Investigation.