The resistances, and therefore the gliding angles, may be presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 111), in which abscissae represent velocity and ordinates the gliding angle; the dotted line represents the constant resistance, and the curve (struck from the dotted line as datum to the equation ) shows the manner in which the resistance increases with the velocity. Values of and have been assigned for a supposititious case.
§ 176. Value of and for Least Horse-power.—By prop, ii., § 164, we know that the condition for least horse-power is— when let
Then, following § 173—
A result that otherwise follows from corollary to prop. iii.—
Let gliding angle for least horse-power. Following § 174 we have—
or in terms of —
In Fig. 112 the and resistances are shown as curves separately and superposed. In the lower portion of the figure