this is given in full by the expression— and therefore
Substituting for and in Equation (6) we have—
§ 195. A Numerical Example.—The employment of this equation may be illustrated by a numerical example. Let us take the case of an aerodrome of 1,000 poundals essential weight (31 lbs. approximately), to be designed for a velocity of 50 feet per second. The remaining data are as follows:—
n taken as 12
It is found by trial design or by calculation that in the expression that—
We take
Substituting values in Equation (7) we obtain—
This form of equation can only be solved by plotting or by guessing[1]; the solution gives that is to say, the area is
Now the total weight sustained by this area is and (poundals), or lbs. almost exactly. We therefore have pressure per square foot