Experimental Evidence and Verification of the Phugoid Theory.
- § 64. Preliminary. The Importance of the Experimental Verification.
- 65. Penaud's Experiments.
- 66. Mouillard's Observations.
- 67. Marey's Experiments.
- 68. The Author's Experiments in Confirmation of the Phugoid Theory.
- 69. Confirmation of the Phugoid Theory as to Time, Velocity, and Phase Length.
- 70. Verification of the Equation of Stability.
- 71. Experimental Verification of the Equation of Stability.
- 72. Experimental Verification of the Equation of Stability — continued.
- 73. Verification of the Equation of Stability—continued. Small Scale Experiments.
- 74. Verification of the Equation of Stability. Small Scale Experiments—continued.
- 75. The Stability of Birds in Flight.
- 76. The Stability of Birds in Flight—continued.
- 77. The Stability of Birds in Flight—continued.
- 78. Stability of the Hirundo Apus.
- 79. Stability of Diomedea Exulans.
- 80. The Ea nation of Stability applied to the Author's 1894 Models.
- 81. Lilienthal's Machine. Stability Investigated.
- 82. Résumé.
Lateral and Directional Stability.
- § 83. Introductory.
- 84. The Mutual Relationship of Lateral and Directional Stability.
- 85. lateral Stability.
- 86. Lateral Stability. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane.
- 87. Lateral Stability. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane—continued.
- 88. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane—continued.
- 89. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane. Damping Influences.
- 90. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane. Influence of Moment of Inertia.
- 91. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane. Form of the Oscillations.
- 92. Lateral Stability. Oscillations in the Transverse Plane in Practice.
- 93. Directional Stability.
- 94. Directional Stability—continued.
- 95. A Study in Directional Equilibrium and Maintenance.
- 96. A Study in Directional Equilibrium—continued.
- 97. Directional Stability—continued.
- 98. Directional Stability. Practical Considerations,
- 99. Fin Resolution.
- 100. Fin Resolution—continued.
- 101. Botative Stability.
- 102. Botative Stability—continued.
- 103. Botative Stability. Basis of Investigation Defined.
- 104. Botative Stability. Preliminary Investigation.
- 105. Botative Stability. Investigation.
- 106. On the Aerodynamic Radius.
- 107. On the Aerodynamic Radius. Theoretically Considered.
- 108. On the Aerodromic Radius.