- § 155. Theory of Dynamic Soaring. Quantitative Investigation—continued.
- 156. Theory of Dynamic Soaring. Harmonic Wind Pulsation.
- 157. The Form of the Orbit in Dynamic Soaring.
- 158. Dynamic Soaring in its Relation to the Phugoid Flight Path.
- 159. The Relation between the Energy of Turbulence and the Velocity of Flight.
- 160. The Efficiency of Dynamic Soaring. Energy Available in Terms of Total Energy of Turbulence.
- 161. Efficiency of Dynamic Soaring—continued.
- 162. Dynamic Soaring as determined by Different Kinds of Aerial Disturbance.
- 163. Dynamic Soaring as dependent on Dead-Water Region.
- 164. Dynamic Soaring. Mixed Conditions.
Experimental Aerodonetics.
- § 165. Introductory.
- 166. Method of Experiment.
- 167. Construction. Materials Employed.
- 168. Materials — contin ued.
- 169. The Aerofoil.
- 170. The Aerofoil—continued.
- 171. The Fin-plan and Tail-plane.
- 172. The Measurement of Moment of Inertia.
- 173. Admissible Proportions of Models.
- 174. The Design of an Aerodone.
- 175. On the Angle of the Tail-plane and the Position of the Centre of Gravity.
- 176. On the Angle of the Tail-plane and the Position of the Centre of Gravity—continued.
- 177. Methods of Steering.
- 178. On the Ballasted Aeroplane.
- 179. Some Vagaries of the Flight Path.
- 180. Vagaries of the Flight Path—continued.
- 181. Vagaries of the Flight Path—continued.