- Experimental aerodonetics, § 165 et seq:
- Experimental verification, of theory of longitudinal stability, § 64 et seq.
- Fin resolution, investigation, §§ 99, 100
- Fins, employed for direction maintenance, §§ 11, 98, 99
- Flexure, of wing or aerofoil, §§ 76, 77, 116, 181
- Flight models, materials employed, §§ 167, 168; space required for model experiment, §§ 70, 166; nnca for, § 167; ballast for, § 168; the aerofoil, §§ 169, 170; fin-plan and tail-plane, § 171; moment of inertia, measurement of, § 172; admissible proportions, § 173; example calculation, § 174; tail-plane, angle of, §§ 175, 176; unstable periptery, § 175; steering, § 177; vagaries of the flight path, §§ 179, 180, 181
- Flight of boomerang, App. VIII. B.
- Flight of projectiles, App. VIII. A.
- Flight path, undulations, § 8; equation of the, § 20; stability of the, § 50 et seq.; plotting, § 24 et seq.; abnormal, §§ 179, 180; sudden changes in, § 181
- Freedom, degrees of , § 2; limited by artificial means, § 2; interaction of motions in the, § 7
- Froude, J. A., observations on soaring flight, § 148
- Froude, W., on soaring flight, § 149; law of corresponding speed, § 126
- Gliding, the equivalent of a constant force of propulsion, §§ 48, 50; in soaring flight, § 148
- Gulls, soaring flight of, § 142
- Gusts. See Wind.
- Gyroscope, the, App. VII.; theory of, App. VII.; applications of, App. VIII.; of Whitehead torpedo, App. VIII. D.; proposed as a means of maintaining stability in flight, App. VIII. E.; Schlick marine, App. VIII. C.
- Gyroscopic action, theory of, App. VII.; in the flight of projectiles, App. VIII. A.; in the flight of the boomerang, App. VIII. B.; in Brennan mono-rail, App. VIII. E.; in Tower steady platform, App. VIII. E.
- Hargraves, flight model mentioned. § 8
- Hele Shaw, ballasted aeroplane, glider, or aerodone, § 9
- Hirundo apus. See Swift.
- Historical note, on theory of flight, § 140
- Inflected curves, on the phugoid chart, § 26; plotting the, §§ 27, 28
- Inflection, point of, calculating, § 28 and App. V.