Page:Affecting history of an inn-keeper in Normandy.pdf/24

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ſcene too big with horror to dwell upon. After the firſt tranſports of her grief, which was exceſſive, were abated, her words became incoherent, her actions extravagant, and the whole of her deportment gave evident ſigns of inſanity. It was therefore thought neceſſary to watch her, in order to prevent her from committing any act of violence upon herſelf. Theſe precautions unluckily proved fruitleſs, as ſhe was one morning found ſtrangled in her bed.—-Thus fell two innocent and worthy perſons, victims to the inſatiable deſires of avarice, ſincerely lamented by all who had the happineſs of knowing them.—-From their unhappy fate take this advice:

———"Ye Parents who from nature ſtray
And the great ties of ſocial life betray;
Ne'er with your children act a tyrant's part;
'Tis yours to Guide, not Violate the heart."

F I N I S.

Printed by G Miller, Dunbar.