Page:Afflicted parents, or, The undutiful child punished.pdf/3

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When he did hear the tender babe say so,
He with his fist did strike her such a blow,
That on the ground she then did breathless lay,
Cursing and swearing then he went his way.

Then soon his mother went into the room,
Seeing the child lay dead upon the ground,
Strangely surpris'd, did for the doctor send.
And call for help then from her dearest friend,

But all in vain they found her life was gone,
And none did know who had the murder done;
But plainly to them all it did appear,
That by some cruel hand she murder'd were.

But soon the Almighty caus'd such acts to pass,
This thing so hatefull in his sight alas!
That he to justice soon was brought at last.
And a true penitent he died at last.

The next thing after this sad thing was done ;
He sat drinking in an ale house in the town,
Having a strumpet in his company,
With whom he had agreed that might to lye.

Wallowing in his filthy vain delight,
About the hour of eleven at night
The room did in a blazing light appear,
And heavenly music sounded in his ear.

He said what heavenly sound sure can this be,
That comes to visit such a wretch as me?
And to his great surprise there did appear,
The apparition of his sister dear.

Her clothes more whiter than the snow so fair,
And round her shoulders hung her flaxon hair,
coming attended by a heavenly tribe,
That gently mov'd along by his bed side.