Yaos, who are a much-travelled people, and who therefore regard themselves as much superior to the simple: stay-at-home Makuas, have also numerous . settlements in this country. The missionary village has been built on a small northern affluent of the Rovuma in an extremely fertile clearance encircled by forest-clad_ hills. This Masasi station, standing at an elevation of about 1,800 feet above the sea, is one of the most salubrious places in all Africa, at least for the
European constitution, Chauncy Maples considers that a line drawn from Lindi through Masasi towards the upper Rovuma would indicate the very best route between this coast and Lake Nyassa.
Kiloa and Dar-es-Salaam.
Beyond Lindi follow other ports on the seaboard, which is here fringed by coral reefs with steep terraced escarpments. Here one of the largest inlets is that of Kiloa-Kisiwani, which at the entrance is sheltered by a cluster of islets, and which