Page:Agamemnon (Murray 1920).djvu/65

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vv. 1072–1090.

Cassandra (moaning to herself).

Otototoi . . . Dreams. Dreams.
Apollo. O Apollo!

Second Elder.

Why sob'st thou for Apollo? It is writ,
He loves not grief nor lendeth ear to it.


Otototoi . . . Dreams. Dreams.
Apollo. O Apollo!


Still to that god she makes her sobbing cry
Who hath no place where men are sad, or die.


Apollo, Apollo! Light of the Ways of Men!
Mine enemy!
Hast lighted me to darkness yet again?

Second Elder.

How? Will she prophesy about her own
Sorrows? That power abides when all is gone!


Apollo, Apollo! Light of all that is!
Mine enemy!
Where hast thou led me? . . . Ha! What house is this?


The Atreidae's castle. If thou knowest not, I
Am here to help thee, and help faithfully.