Page:Age and life of man, or, A short description of the natur (sic), rise, and fall, according to the twelve months of the year.pdf/2

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The AGE and LIFE of MAN


UPON the ſixteen hundredth year,
of God, and fifty three,
Frae Christ was horn that bought us dear,
as writings testifie.
On January the sixteenth day,
as,I did ly alone,
With many a sigh and sob did say.
making an heavy moan.

Dame Nature, the excellent bride,
did stand up me before,
And said to me, thou must provide,
this life for to abhor:
Thou fees what things are gone before,
experienjce teaches thee,
In what state that ever thou be.
remember man to die.

Of all the creatures bearing life,
recal back in thy mind
Confider how they ebb and thrive
each thing is their own kind
Yet few of them have such a strain,
ps God bath giv’n to thee:
Therefore this lesson keep in' mind,
remember, man, to die.