Page:Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel RMS Titanic.pdf/4

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(b) "Artifacts" means the cargo of RMS Titanic and other contents, including those associated objects that are scattered in its vicinity and any portion of the hull;
(c) “Rules” means the Rules Concerning Activities Aimed at the RMS Titanic and/or its Artifacts contained in the Annex, which shall form an integral part of this Agreement; and
(d) “Project” means all activities aimed at RMS Titanic and/or its artifacts carried out pursuant to an authorization provided in accordance with this Agreement.

Article 2

RMS Titanic shall be recognized as:

(a) a memorial to those men, women and children who perished and whose remains should be given appropriate respect, in accordance with this Agreement; and
(b) an underwater historical wreck of exceptional international importance having a unique symbolic value.

Article 3

Each Party shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that all artifacts recovered from RMS Titanic after entry into force of this Agreement, that are under its jurisdiction, are conserved and curated consistent with the relevant Rules and are kept together and intact as project collections.

Article 4

1.Each Party shall take the necessary measures, in respect of its nationals and vessels flying its flag, to regulate through a system of project authorizations:

(a) entry into the hull sections of RMS Titanic so that they, other artifacts and any human remains are not disturbed; and
(b) activities aimed at the artifacts from RMS Titanic found outside the hull of the wreck so that all such activities are, to the maximum extent practicable, conducted in accordance with the Rules.

2.Each Party agrees that the preferred management technique is in situ preservation and that project authorizations referred to in this Article involving recovery or excavation aimed at RMS Titanic and/or its artifacts should be granted