Page:Agreement of the people (1648 edition) (IA agreement1648).djvu/10

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ſame to be publiſhed in the manner preſcribed to the ſeverall Counties, as in this Article.

5. That for the better proviſion for true and certain Returnes of perſons elected, the chiefe publique Officer in every Diviſion aforeſaid, who ſhall be preſent at the beginning of the Election, and in abſence of every ſuch Officer, then any perſon eligible as aforeſaid, whom the People at that time aſſembled ſhall chooſe for that end, ſhall regulate the Elections, and by Poll or otherwiſe clearly diſtinguiſh and judge thereof, and make true Returne thereof, in writing indented under the hands and ſeales of himſelfe, and of ſix or more of the Electors, into the Parliaments Records, within one and twenty daies after the Election, and for default thereof, or for making any falſe Return, ſhall forfeit 100 l. to the publique uſe.

4. That one hundred and fifty Members at leaſt be alwaies preſent in each ſitting of the Repreſentatives, at the paſſing of any Law, or doing of any Act whereby the People are to be bound.

5. That every Repreſentative ſhall within twenty daies after their firſt meeting, appoint a Councell of State for the managing of publique affaires, untill the firſt day of the next Repreſentative, and the ſame Councell to act and proceed therein, according to ſuch inſtructions and limitations as the Repreſentatives ſhall give, and not otherwiſe.

6. That to the end all Officers of State may be certainly accomptable, and no Factions made to maintain corrupt intereſts, no Member of a Councell of State, nor any Officer of any ſalary Forces in Army or Garriſon, nor any Treaſurer or Receiver of publique moneys, ſhall (while ſuch) be elected to be a Repreſentative: And in caſe any ſuch Election ſhall be, the ſame to be void; and in caſe any Lawyer ſhall be choſen of any Repreſentative, or a Councell of State, then he ſhall be uncapable of practiſe as a Lawyer, during that truſt.

7. That the power of the Peoples Repreſentatives extend (without the conſent or concurrence of any other perſon or perſons) to the enacting, altering, repealing, and declaring of Lawes; to the erecting and aboliſhing Officeirs of Courts of Juſtice, and towhat-