Page:Agreement relating to Malaysia (1963).djvu/129

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Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités

Transitional provisions relating to Supreme Council.

50. The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, hold the offices of Chief Minister and other members (not being the offices of ex officio members) of the Supreme Council established by the existing Orders shall, as from the commencement of this Constitution, be deemed to have been appointed to hold the like offices as members of the Supreme Council under Article 6.

Transitional provisions relating to the Legislature.

51. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15, the person who, immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, holds office as Speaker of the existing Council Negri shall be the first Speaker of the new Council Negri, and shall hold office until 31st August, 1965 unless before that date he resigns his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor or becomes subject to any of the disqualifications for appointment as a nominated member of the new Council set out in Article 17.
(2) (a) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this Constitution, is an elected or nominated member of the existing Council Negri and is not subject to any of the disqualifications set out in Article 17 for being elected as an elected member or, as the case may be, appointed as a nominated member of the new Council Negri shall, as from the commencement of this Constitution, be deemed to have been elected as an elected member or, as the case may be, appointed as a nominated member of the new Council Negri in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and, subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), shall hold his seat in the new Council Negri in accordance with those provisions.
(b) Such a person as is referred to in paragraph (a) shall be a member of the new Council Negri by virtue of that paragraph irrespective of whether he is a citizen and consequently, while he is such a member by virtue of that paragraph, the provision of Article 16 that only citizens shall be qualified for membership of the Council Negri shall not apply in relation to him.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (3) of Article 17 (which, among other things, exempts from the operation of paragraph (g) of clause (1) of that Article anything done by a person before he becomes a citizen), if, while he is a member of the new Council Negri by virtue of paragraph (a), a person who is not a citizen does any of the things referred to in the said paragraph (g), he shall vacate his seat in the Council.
(3) The Standing Orders of the existing Council Negri as in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall, until they are replaced by Standing Orders made by the new Council Negri, be the Standing Orders of the new Council but shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with the provisions of this Constitution.
(4) In this Article " the existing Council Negri " means the Council Negri established by the existing Orders and " the new Council Negri " means the Council Negri established by this Constitution.

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