Page:Ah Q and Others.djvu/244

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Diary of a Madman

and want to go into the garden for a walk." Lao-wu went out without answering, but after a while he came back and opened the door.

I did not move, for I was sure that they would not abandon their evil course and I wanted to see just how they were going to manage me. I was right. My brother came in slowly with an old man, who, being afraid that I would see the wicked light in his eyes, looked down at the ground and stole glances at me over the edges of his spectacles. "You seem to look very well today," my brother said. I answered "Yes." My brother said, "We have asked Dr. Ho to come and take a look at you." I said, "All right!" but did I not know that this old man was in reality the executioner in disguise! He had only come to feel how fat I was under the pretext of feeling my pulse, so that he could share a piece of flesh as a reward. Not wishing to spoil their little game for the moment, I gave the old man my hands, which I had involuntarily tightened into fists, and waited to see what he was going to do. The old man sat there with his eyes closed and felt my hand and meditated for a long while. Then he opened his ghostly eyes and said, "Do not worry too much. You will be all right after resting quietly for a few days."

Do not worry too much and rest quietly! Of course! They will have more to eat after I grow fat with rest! What is "all right" about that as far as I am concerned? These people want to eat human flesh but they are so timid and afraid, so anxious to hide their designs, so unwilling to strike an open and direct blow. They make me laugh. And so, unable to restrain myself, I burst into laughter and the laughter did me good. I knew that there was in this laughter courage and righteousness. The old man and my brother both paled; they were cowed by my courage and righteousness.