Page:Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation (Cap. 311AB).pdf/16

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Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation

Part 4
L.N. 135 of 2018
Section 16

Part 4
Miscellaneous Matters

16. Approval of fuel as compliant fuel

(1) The Authority may approve any fuel, other than low sulphur marine fuel or liquefied natural gas, as compliant fuel.

(2) The Authority must not approve any fuel unless the Authority is satisfied that its use can reduce the emission of sulphur dioxide at least as effectively as the use of low sulphur marine fuel.

(3) The Authority must publish an approval by a general notice in the Gazette.

17. Determination of sulphur content of fuel

For the purposes of this Regulation, the sulphur content of a fuel must be determined in accordance with the test method set out in any of the following documents—

(a) EN ISO 14596:2007: “Petroleum products—Determination of sulfur content—Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry” published by the European Committee for Standardization;
(b) EN ISO 20884:2011: “Petroleum products—Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels—Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence