Page:Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation (Cap. 311AB).pdf/21

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Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation

L.N. 135 of 2018
Section 5

unrecorded occurrence (無記錄事情) means an occurrence—

(a) that takes place before January 2019;
(b) the particulars of which would have been required to be recorded under section 8(1) of the former Regulation but for the repeal of it; and
(c) the particulars of which have not yet been recorded in a log book of the vessel concerned at the time when this Regulation comes into operation.

5. Documents kept under former Regulation

Section 9 of the former Regulation continues to apply in relation to a bunker delivery note or log book required to be kept under that section as if that Regulation had not been repealed.

6. Notice issued before January 2019

Section 10 of the former Regulation continues to apply to a notice that satisfies the following conditions as if that Regulation had not been repealed—

(a) the notice was issued under section 10(1) of that Regulation;
(b) the time specified in the notice expires after December 2018; and
(c) the notice has not been complied with.

7. Approval granted under former Regulation

An approval granted under section 11(1) of the former Regulation is deemed to be granted under section 16(1).