Page:Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation (Cap. 311AB).pdf/24

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Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation

Explanatory Note
L.N. 135 of 2018
Paragraph 5

5. Division 2 of Part 2 (sections 7 to 11) deals with exemption from the prohibition under section 5. Section 7 empowers the Authority to exempt a vessel from the prohibition on using non-compliant fuel under certain circumstances. Section 8 provides for the validity period of an exemption granted by the Authority. Section 9 explains how to apply for an exemption and makes it an offence to provide false or misleading information or document in an application. Section 10 explains when an application for exemption must be made. Section 11 empowers the Authority to revoke an exemption under certain circumstances.

Part 3

6. Section 12 states that Part 3 applies to an ocean going vessel in the waters of Hong Kong. Ocean going vessel is defined in section 2.

7. Section 13 requires certain particulars to be recorded in a log book of an ocean going vessel. Those particulars relate to the entering and exiting of the waters of Hong Kong by an ocean going vessel and fuel switch operations (which mean switching from using non-compliant fuel to compliant fuel and vice versa). If the requirement is contravened, the owner and the master of the ocean going vessel each commits an offence.

8. Section 14 requires certain documents to be kept on an ocean going vessel. If the requirement is contravened, the owner and the master of the ocean going vessel each commits an offence. Section 15 empowers the Authority to require the submission of copies of those documents and makes it an offence for failing to comply with the Authority’s request and for submitting false or misleading copies.