Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/138

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swung his machine to the side of the road and leaned forward, to stare at the pair standing just beyond. "Am I dreaming, or do I see Tom Raymond and Jack Parmly in uniform and standing on French soil? What ever brougt you boys over here I'd like to know. And what are you doing in those duds, tell me? Do you really belong to the Flying Corps?"

Jack and Tom dashed out, and were soon shaking Kennedy's hands. Neal Kennedy, a Bridgeton boy, was delighted to run across home folk in this most unexpected fashion. Neal had gone away from home many months before Tom and Jack conceived their plan of flying for France, and as he had never been intimate with the air service boys, and as Tom and Jack had talked but little of their plans in Bridgeton until they were ready to sail for France, Kennedy had not heard of their joining the Flying Corps.