Page:Air Service Boys Flying for France.djvu/68

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Tom did not seem to be very much astonished when his chum made that statement.

"Well, do you know, I rather half expected that was what you were going to tell me," he observed coolly. "I wondered whether such a smart chap as Adolph Tuessig, if he is aboard this steamer, would let a chance get past him to have my trunk broken open and looked over. That was what happened, was it, Jack?"

"While one fellow watched us another must have been busy in our stateroom," explained the discoverer of the latest outrage. "These rascals seem to incline toward the burglary business, all right."

"Why not, when spying is always associated with thievery?" Tom told him plainly enough. "Did they do much damage? I purposely left the trunk unlocked so as to save them from smashing it."

"Oh! did you?" exclaimed his chum, elevating his eyebrows. "Then I warrant you they found nothing for their pains."