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Page:Aircraft in Warfare (1916).djvu/163

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§ 79

goes, it is impossible to fly any aeroplane which has to rise from the water under such conditions. However, if it should prove possible to fly, as an average, on but half the total days in the year, the extended range of vision obtained (even by such limited use of the air scout) would frequently prove of decisive value. In the case, for example, of the recent pursuit of the Emden and Königsberg, if our cruisers had been able to sweep a belt of some 200 or 300 miles in width (instead of about one-tenth of that amount), the result might have been achieved in far less time. A cruiser, well served by its air scouts, in pursuit of an enemy (if not fast enough or strong enough to give battle), would be able, having located the enemy, to warn merchantmen of their danger and at the same time to call for the requisite reinforcements. It would also be no longer possible for an enemy cruiser to secure concealment amongst the islands of an archipelago or in a river mouth or estuary.

§ 80. Points in Favour of the Double- Float. For the duties of bomb and torpedo air-craft, discussed in detail in the preceding chapter, the boat type of machine is ill-suited; the conditions are such as would indicate the two-float type as necessary. The latter admits of the bomb-magazine or torpedo-cradle being arranged centrally beneath the fuselage, from which position, by suitable release mechanism, the missile or torpedo can be readily let fall. It is doubtful, on the other hand, whether the two-float type will prove as convenient to handle aboard a vessel not especially fitted out for its reception, and it is further doubtful whether it will prove as seaworthy when compelled to depend on its own resources. However, there are authorities who are disposed even to give it preference on the latter count, and certainly for the smaller craft there is something to be said in favour of the fact that, so long as the floats are intact and