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- Attack by Aeroplane on Aeroplane.
- The Fighting Machine as a Separate Type.
- The Question of Armament—Treaty Restrictions.
- Importance of Rapid Fire—Machine Guns Multiply Mounted.
- Rapidity of Fire and its Measure.
- Armour in its Relation to Armament.
- Importance of Upper "Gage"—Attack from Above
- Armour and Shield Protection.
- Gun-fire Ballistics—The Energy Account.
- Expanding and Explosive Bullets.
- Theory of the Expanding Bullet.
- The Light-weight Shell.
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Means of Offence.
- The Bomb and the Hand Grenade.
- Bomb Dropping, Difficulties of Aiming.
- Rockets, Air-borne Torpedoes, etc.
- Supremacy of the Gun against Aircraft.
- Aircraft in the Service of the Navy—Naval Reconnaissance.
- Mother-ship or Floating Base.
- Armament of the Naval Aeroplane—the Employment of Bombs.
- Torpedo Attack by Air.
- Aeroplane and Submarine—Attack by Bomb.
- Aircraft in the Service of the Navy —Continued.
- The Naval Air-scout.
- The Flying-Boat Type—The Double Float Type.
- The Ocean-going Floating Base or Pontoon-ship.
- The Command of the Air.
- Air Power as Affecting Combined Tactics.
- Defeat in the Air an Irreparable Disaster.
- Employment of Aircraft in Large Bodies—Air Tactics.