Dirigible, essentially not a fighting machine, § 4; gross weights of Zeppelins, naval and military, § 4.
Dirigible and Aeroplane, see Aeroplane and Dirigible.
Distinctive National Marks, § 104.
Divided Force, weakness of, § 23 et seq.
Doable Float Type, naval sea-plane, § 80.
Dumdum or Expanding Bullets, prohibition of, § 45; types of, § 61.
Duration and Range of Flight, aeroplane and dirigible, § 4.
Dusseldorf, raid on, § 108.
Energy Utilised and Lost, as determined for different weapons, §§ 58, 59.
Expanding Ballets, §§ 45, 61, 62, 63; advocated for attack on aeroplanes, §§ 45, 62; prohibition of, § 45; part played by centrifugal force in expansion, § 62.
Explosive Ballets and Projectiles, §§ 45, 50, 59, 60, 63.
Fighting type of Aeroplane, need for, § 2; future of, § 17; as a specialised design, § 44.
Fire, the great danger from air raid, prevention of, §§ 121, 124.
Flight Grounds, present provision unsatisfactory, § 106; night flying and, § 106.
Flight Speed, importance of, §§9, 92.
Floating Base, for aeroplanes and sea-planes, § 70.
Flying Boat, type of naval sea-plane, § 79.
Formation Flying, importance of, § 81; airmanship and signalling, §§ 95, 96; the "V" formation, § 97; machines disabled, § 98.
Friedrichshaven, raid on, § 103 (foot note), § 108.
Fuse, sensitive, need for, § 46.
Gage or Berth, advantage of upper, §§ 55, 93.
Government Manufacture, advantages and otherwise, § 111.
Gravitational Weapons, §§ 64, 65, 66.
Grenades and Bombs, § 64. See Bomb.