Caught in the open, its only defence will be in dispersion over the widest possible front or area, otherwise it must take to the woods or whatever other cover is available. Further, it will be impossible for it to undertake a dismounted action, for the led horses (the bugbear of dismounted cavalry) will be either stampeded or destroyed, and its existence as an effective unit will be at an end.
§ 18. As Affecting the Cavalry Arm. It must not be supposed, however fully the present anticipations of the development of the aeroplane as a fighting machine may be realised, that the value of cavalry is at an end; this is not the author's view. It is probable that in the early stages of a battle, or of a campaign, the cavalry Arm will cease to play the important role that at present is, and has hitherto been, assigned to it, and that the pushing out of advance posts and reconnaissance will devolve more and more on the armed and armoured motor-car and aeroplane. However this may be, there will still remain country in which cavalry can be advantageously employed, country in which cover (woods, forests, etc.) is plentiful, where mounted men are secure from aerial observation and attack, and where a mounted force is virtually the only means by aid of which the terrain can be effectively reconnoitred.
Thus, also, in wooded country, in the reconnaissance that accompanies or precedes an army on the march, it would seem probable that the aeroplane and cavalry will be used in conjuction, the more distant work being accomplished by the aeroplane, whose presence would also ensure the protection of the cavalry from hostile aircraft. The detail work, including the holding of bridges and advance positions of importance, also the location of and dealing with any patrols or other bodies of the enemy that may be encountered, will be accomplished by the cavalry. The obvious disadvantage of the