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Page:Aircraft in Warfare (1916).djvu/90

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§ 30

unexpected. If we modify the initial hypothesis to harmonise with the conditions of long-range fire, and assume the fire concentrated on a certain area known to be held by the enemy, and take this area to be independent of the numerical value of the forces, then, with notation as before, we have—

db/dt =b × N r  ×   constant.
dr/dt =r × M b 


db/dt = dr/dt

or the rate of loss is independent of the numbers engaged, and is directly as the efficiency of the weapons. Under these conditions the fighting strength of the forces is directly proportional to their numerical strength; there is no direct value in concentration, qua concentration, and the advantage of rapid fire is relatively great. Thus in effect the conditions approximate more closely to those of ancient warfare.

§ 31. An Unexpected Deduction. Evidently it is the business of a numerically superior force to come to close quarters, or, at least, to get within decisive range as rapidly as possible, in order that the concentration may tell to advantage. As an extreme case, let us imagine a "Blue" force of 100 men armed with the machine gun opposed by a Red" 1,200 men armed with the ordinary service rifle. Our first assumption will be that both forces are spread over a front of given length and at long range. Then the "Red" force will lose 16 men to the "Blue" force loss of one, and, if the combat is continued under these conditions, the "Reds" must lose. If, however, the "Reds" advance, and get within short range, where each man and gunner is an