Page:Akbar and the Rise of the Mughal Empire.djvu/41

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writes Bábar, 'when the onset of the battle began, and the combat lasted till midday, when the enemy were completely broken and routed.' The victory was in all respects decisive. Ibráhím Lodí was killed, bravely fighting, and Hindustán lay at the foot of the victor. That very day Bábar despatched troops to occupy Delhi and Agra. These results were accomplished on the 24th of April and 4th of May respectively[1].

  1. In his Memoirs, Babar, after recounting how, from comparatively small beginnings, he had become conqueror 'of the noble country of Hindustán,' adds: "This success I do not ascribe to my own strength, nor did this good fortune flow from my own efforts, but from the fountain of the favour and mercy of God.'