reply, "Thou didst command; us to wage Holy war (Jehad), I obeyed thee and fell fighting". "Thou liest," God and His angels will answer. "Thy aim was to be trumpeted as a hero and it was done". "Then," says Abu Huraira, "the Prophet after finishing the sermon pressed me and said: These three would be the first to be thrown into the flames of hell".
In the narratives of the Israelites, a story is told of a certain devotee who had served God for many years. Once he was informed of the apostacy of a tribe, which, forsaking the true worship of Yahweh had taken to tree worship. The hermit filled with the spirit of the "jealous" God took an axe and set out to level the tree to the earth. But the devil in the shape of an old man met him on the way and inquired of his intention. The hermit told him of his determination, whereupon Satan addressed him thus: "Why on earth are you leaving aside your prayers and vigils and devoting