principles, viz, (1) His treatment meted out to thee; (2) thy action for him. Then willingly submit to what is meted out to thee and be sincere in all thy dealings. If thou art successful in these two things thou shalt be happy in both the worlds".
Says Sahl: "Sincerity means that all our actions or intentions—all the states of our minds whether we are doing anything or at rest, be solely for God." But this is very difficult to acquire as it does not in the least attract the ego itself. Rowim says: "Sincerity means disregard of recompense for action in both the worlds". In this he wishes to point out that the gratifications of our sensuous desires whether in this world or the next are all insignificant and low. He who worships God in order to attain joy in paradise is not sincere. Let him act for God's "Riza". This stage is reached by Siddiks (Sincerely devoted to God), and is sincerity par excellence. He who does good actions for fear of hell or hope of heaven is sincere in as much as he