The prophet has said: "I desire three things from your world, sweet smell, tender sex, and prayer, which is the delight of my eye". Now prayer is neither smelt nor touched—in fact its delight is beyond the scope of the five senses and yet it has been described as the "delight of my eye", which means the inner eye—the soul with her sixth sense. Concepts of this special sense are more beautiful and charming than sensuous objects—nay, they are more perfect and strongly attract the soul. Is it not, then, possible, that One who is not perceived by the five senses may yet be found and felt attractive by that sense and loved by the soul?
Let us now enumerate the circumstances which excite love 1. Every living being first of all loves his own self, that is to say, the desire for continuity of his existence as oppsed to annihilation is innate. This desire is augmented by the desire of the perfection of his self by means of sound body, wealth, childern, relations and