Lord".[1] (iii) His goodly grace and pleasure as mentioned in "wa Rizwanumminallahi akbar" (and best of all is Allah's goodly pleasure).
The Prophet once asked some of his companions to point out the signs of the faith which they professed. "O apostle of God," said the companions, "we are patient in tribulations, grateful in felicity and pleased with what is ordained". "Ye are Muslims" said the Prophet. Again the Prophet said: "Ye who are poor be pleased with what God has put you in and then you shall have your reward".
Let us discuss the nature of Riza. Those who deny the existence of Riza, saying that man can be patient in sufferings but joyous submission to His will is not possible, really deny the existence of love and its all-absorbing nature. A lover always loves his beloved;s actions. Now this love of actions is of two kinds: (1) Redemption from the experience of pain caused
- ↑ Quran XXXVI 58.