knowledge of the attainments of an adult; an adult is not aware of the acquisitions of a learned man. Similarly, a learned man is not cogniscant of the holy communion of the saints and the prophets, and of the favours bestowed on them, Although the divine blessings descend freely, those are fit recipients of them, whose hearts are pure and wholly devoted to Him. "Verily," says the Hadis, the desire of the virtuous is to hold communion with me, and I long to look at them". "He who approaches me a span, I approach him an arm".[1] The divine favours are not withheld, but hearts bedimmed by impurity fail to receive them. "Had it not been that the devils hover round the hearts of men, they would have seen the glories of the Kingdom of the Heaven"[2]
The superiority of man consists thus in his being cogniscant of divine attributes