His last proposition. proposed March 12. L824. was. so far as the const line is concerned. exactly like his third proposition.”
The tinal decision of the Russian plenipotentiaries was directed to that part of the coast opposite the Ishind of Prince of Wales. which island was conceded to Russian by sir Charles Dagot’s last proposition, There was then no controversy as to that portion of the coast, north of Prince of Wales Istind. It wus for this reason that the Russian plenipotentiaries said That the possesston of Prince of Wales Island without a stice (portion) of territory apon the coust situated in front of that island could be of no utility whatever to Russia.””
Nevotiutions were broken olf. not on uceount of any difference of meaning attached to the word *céte.” not upon any question as to its embracing inlind waters, but as to how the coast should he divided ow an east tmd west line, Thus Russia never departed from the original line dividing the const. suggested by her, and showed that she would not yield her right to any of the const north of 54° 40’. In a letter of April 11. L524. written to Mordvinof, after the nerotintions bad come to an end, Count Nesselrode. in explaining the Russian attitude, said:
Ly right~ of first diseovery, and by that which is til] more real, the first establishment of liabitations and human aetivity ant cabinet demauds poses sion both of the islands and the western const of Awerica from the forthest north to the Sith degree of latitude.“
Referring to the diiferences that night arise. he suys:
For thi only one expedicnt presents itxelfy to establish at some distance From the coast a frontier line which shall net he infringed diy our esttblithments and trapper, ae also by the hrnters of the Lludsen’s Bay Cotpany. ¢
In his letter to Count Lieven of April Li, 1824. he reviews the negotiations and sums up the situation. He states thut the Ukase of September 4. Ls21. carries “the domains of Russia on the north- west coast of the Aimeriean Continent down to the 1st degree of
e771), 2. 2 Ay. Wes, Looe oe A Apyh. 167.
bu. S.C. App. M4.