From the Commission on Public Education of the Central City Duma.
Comrade workingmen and workingwomen!
A few days before the holidays, a strike has been declared by the teachers of the public schools. The teachers are siding with the burgeoisie against the Workers' and Peasants' Government.
Comrades, organize Parents' Committees and pass resolutions against the strike of the teachers. Propose to the District Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, the Trade Unions, the Factory-Shop and Party Committees, to organize protest meetings. Arrange with your own resources Christmas trees and entertainments for the children, and demand the opening of the schools, after the holidays at the date which will be set by the Central Duma.
Comrades, strengthen your position in public education, insist on the control of the proletarian organizations over the schools.
Commission on Public Education
of the Central City Duma.
This is the translation of the Russian text on opposite page.)