To the Chriſtian Raeder.
Turks in this) whoſe proſperity and opinions they follow, were unwilling this ſhould ſee the Preſs, yet I am confident, if thou haſt been ſo true a votary to orthodox Religion, as to keep thy ſelfe untainted of their follies, this ſhall not hurt thee: And as for thoſe of that Batch, having once abandoned the Sun of the Goſpel, I believe they will wander as farre into utter darkneſs, by following ſtrange lights, as by this Ignis Fatuus of the Alcoran. Such as it is, I preſent to thee, having taken the pains only to tranſlate it out of French, not doubting, though it hath been a poyſon, that hath infected a very great, but moſt unſound part of the univerſe, it may prove an Antidote, to confirm in thee the health of Chriſtianity.