Page:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu/450

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ceived in gathering Hemlock for Parſly? It is no for every many to meddle with Apothecaries drugs, he may chance meet with poyſon as ſoon as an antidote; if all men were like Bees, to ſuck honey even out of Henbane, there might be no danger in reading the Alcoran, but moſt men are like Spiders ſucking poyſon even out of the ſweeteſt of Roſes; therefore they only may ſurely and without danger read the Alcoran, who are intelligent, judicious, learned, and throughly grounded in piety; and principles of Chriſtianity, but weak, ignorant, inconſtant, and diſaffected mindes to the truth, muſt not venture to meddle with this unhallowed piece leſt they be polluted with the touch thereof, as they were who came neer to a leprous body; and if we will not venture to into an infected houſe without preſervatives, much leſs ſhould any dare to read the Alcoran, that is not ſufficiently armed with grace, ſtrength, and knowledg againſt all tentations. God grant we may walk in the light of the Goſpel whileſt we have it, that we may not be overwhelmed with the diſmall night of Mahometane darkneſs, which God may juſtly inflict up-upon; us for our ſins, rents and diviſions are not leſſer then thoſe were of the Greek, and Aſiatick Churches, and doubtleſs except we repent we ſhall all periſh with them, who for despiſing Gods ſacred Oracles, are not taught to reverence every piece of paper they finde, which they are made to believe ſhal be put under the ſoles of their feet when they walk over the burning to their fools Paradiſe, as Busbequius in his Epiſtle tells us, who lived long amongſt them, and was well acquainted with their opinions; but what I have written here concerning the Alcoran, I ſubmit to the judgment and wiſdom of thoſe who ſit at the Stern, and can ſee more then the Paſſengers.