Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/165

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collaidin, codalan, white poppy (H.S.D.; O'R. only quoted), Ir. collaidín, codalán; from colladh, codal, sleep.

collainn, a smart stroke; also coilleag.

colman, a dove; see calman.

colpach, a heifer, steer, Ir. colpack, M. Ir. calpach; apparently founded on Norse kálfr, a calf. Hence Sc. colpindach.

coltach, like; for co-amhuil-t-ach. See amhuil, samhuil.

coltar, a coulter, Ir. coltar, E. Ir. coltar; from M. Eng. cultre, Lat. culter.

columan, a dove, Ir. and O. Ir. colum, W. colomen, cwlwm, Corn. colom, Br. coulm; from Lat. columbus, columba.

còm, the cavity of the chest, Ir. com, coim, chest cavity, waist, body. The G. is allied to W. cwm, a valley, "a hollow", *kumbo-; Gr. κῦφος, Lat. cumbere; Ger. haube, hood; root kumbo-, bend. The O. Ir. coim, covering, is from the root kemb, wind, as in cám, q.v.

coma, indifferent, so Ir., E. Ir. cuma, O. Ir. cumme, idem, is cumma, it is all the same; from root me, measure: "equal measure".

comaidh, a messing, eating together, E. Ir. commaid, *kom-buti-s, "co-being", from *buti-s, being. See , be.

comain, obligatino, Ir. comaoin, O. Ir. commáin: *com-moini-; Lat. communis. See maoin.

comairce, protection; see comraich.

comanachadh, celebration of the Lord's Supper; from comann or comunn, society, Lat. communio, Eng. communion.

comannd, a command; from the Eng.†

comar, a confluence, Ir. comar, cumar, E. Ir. commar, W. cymmer, Br. kemper, confluent, *kom-bero-; Lat. con-fero. Root bher, as in beir.

comas, comus, power, Ir. cumas, E. Ir. commus, *com-mestu-, *mestu-, from med, as in meas (Zimmer, Brugmann).

combach, a companion; a shortened form of companach.

combaid, company (Dial.):

combaiste, compaiste, a compass, Ir. compás; from the Eng.

comh-, prefix denoting "with, com-, con-", Ir. comh-, O. Ir. com-, *kom-; Lat. cum, com-, con-, Eng. com-, con-, etc. It appears as comh-, com- (before m and b), con- (before d, g), etc.

comhach, prize, prey: *com-agos-; root ag, drive?

comhachag, owl, W. cuan, Br. kaouen, O. Br. couann; L. Lat. cavannus (from the Celtic - Ernault), Fr. chouette, O. Fr. choue. Cf. Ger. schugu, uhu. An onomatopoetic word originally.

co had, a comparison (Sh.); comh+fada, q.v.

co haib, contention about rights (M'A.):