Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/210

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dreallaire, an idler; see drollaire.

dreallsach, a blazing fire; see drillsean.

dream, a tribe, people, Ir. dream, E. Ir. dremm; from dream, bundle, handful, manipulus, Br. dramm, a sheaf, *dregsmo-; Gr. δράγμα, a handful, δράσσομαι; Ch. Sl. drazhaiti, grasps; Skr. darh, make fast, I. E. dergho-, fasten. Hence dreamsgal, a heterogeneous mass. dreg: dreng, tramp? Cf. drong.

dreamach, peevish, dream, snarl; cf. Ir. dreamhnach, perverse, E. Ir. dremne, fierceness, from dreamh, surly, *dremo-, from drem, drom, rush, Gr. δρόμος, a race. G. dreamach may be for *dregsmo-, root dreg as in dreangan.

dreangan, a snarler, Ir. drainceanta, snarling, drainc, a snarl, also draint, W. drengyn, a surly chap, dreng, morose, *drengo-, root dreg, from dhre of dranndan.

dreas, bramble, bramble-bush, Ir. dreas; see dris.

dreasair, a dresser (house-furniture).

dreathan-donn, wren, Ir. dreaán, drean, W. dryw, *drivo-, *dṛ-vo-, root der, dher, jump? See dàir. Cf. for sense Gr. τρόχιλος. or from dhrevo, cry, Gr. θρέομαι, G. drannd, q.v.

dreigeas, a grin, peevish face, E. Ir. dric, wrathful; *dreggo-, root dreg as in dreangan.

dreimire, a ladder, Ir. dréimire, E. Ir. dréimm, ascent, vb. dringim, W. dringo, scandere, *drengô. Bezzenberger compares the Norse drangr, an up-standing rock (cf. cliff and climb. The root dreg of dreimire has also been compared to Ger. treppe, staircase, Eng. tramp. See dream, people, "goers". Ir. ag dreim, advancing.

dréin, a grin: *dreg-ni-, root dreg of dreangan.

dreòchdam, the crying of the deer; from dhrevo, dhre, cry.

dreòlan, a wren, Ir. dreólán: *drivolo-; see dreathan.

dreòlan, a silly person, Ir. dreólán, W. drel, a clown; from Eng. droll? Thurneysen prefers to consider these words borrowed from Eng. thrall, Norse þrœl. The word appears as dreòlan, dreallaire, drollaire. In the sense of "loiterer", these words are from the Norse drolla, loiter, Eng. droil.

dreòs, a blaze:

dreugan, a dragon (Dialectic); see dràgon.

driachan, plodding, obstinacy, Ir. driachaireachd: *dreiqo-; cf. Eng. drive, from dhreip.

driamlach, a fishing line, Manx rimlagh, E. Ir. ríamnach: *reimmen-; see réim.

driceachan, tricks (M'D.).

drifeag, hurry (Heb.); see drip.